Module Topic Objective Key Concepts Activities Resources / Case Study
The Individual Understanding Climate Science Understand the greenhouse effect, role of greenhouse gases, and human activities contributing to climate change. Learn concept of time lag. Greenhouse gases, Earth's energy balance, Climate change, Human activities, Time Lag Students build small-scale wind turbines or solar panels

Students can contribute to real scientific research such as monitoring local air or water quality
Sustainable Living in Bangalore Learn about green roofs, their contribution to cooling the environment, and reducing carbon emissions. Also learn the current adaptations in Bangalore, and review the state plan on climate change. Green roofs, Carbon emissions, Bangalore's climate Install a small-scale green roof on a garden shed or similar structure if possible on campus, Visit a local green roof in Bangalore Green Roofs

Blue Tent Settlements

Karnataka State Action Plan on Climate Change
Energy and Transport Solutions Understand the role of electricity and transportation in both the environment and the economy, explore and evaluate clean energy and sustainable transport solutions. Renewable energy, Decarbonization, Electric vehicles, Energy markets Evaluate home's energy use, Use energy-efficient appliances, model solar panels Germany's Energiewende
Sustainable Agriculture Learn about impacts of agriculture on climate change, explore sustainable solutions. Examine policies to incentivice farmers to adopt sustainable practices. Regenerative agriculture, Food waste, Sustainable materials, Carbon capture, Policies Start a small vegetable garden at home, Use composted kitchen waste as fertilizer Andhra Pradesh Zero Budget Natural Farming
The Community Community Action and the Resilience Framework Explore community action's role in climate change through case studies from MedellĂ­n, the Netherlands, and Kobe. Delve into resilience strategies, from urban solutions to disaster recovery. Climate action, Resilience thinking, Communication, Active climate citizenship Personal climate action plan,
Community project planning,
Role-play scenarios,
En-ROADS simulation exercise
Understanding Resilience - Climate Champions,

Medellin Case Study

Netherlands Case Study

Protecting Nature in Indian Communities Understand importance of conserving nature, safeguarding indigenous land and cultures. Learn about traditional Indian practices. Conservation techniques, Indigenous land rights, Natural carbon sequestration, Traditional Indian practices Research sustainable practices of indigenous cultures,
Organise a fundraiser to support land conservation efforts.
The Chipko Movement
Community Preparedness Understand effects of climate change on environment and society, create disaster preparedness plan for community. Rising ocean temperatures, Impact on wildlife, Biodiversity Create a short documentary on climate change impacts in the local community

Create disaster preparedness plan,

Consider recharge wells for stormwater management
Odisha's Cyclone Preparedness
Global Context Historical and Political Context Examine the historical contributions to climate change and the role of fossil fuel companies. Understand the evolution and impact of key international climate policies, focusing on the Paris Agreement. Climate denial, Climate conferences, Policy literacy, Climate justice Exercise where students practice debunking climate denial arguments,

Mock negotiation (MUN),

Research on country-specific policies (India, America, China, Brazil)
The Paris Agreement

Inside Climate News: Exxon's Own Research Confirmed Fossil Fuels' Role in Global Warming
Global Climate Justice Understand climate justice as an ethical issue, delve into principles like 'CBDR-RC', and study the Maldives' approach to balancing development with climate action. CBDR-RC, Emissions gap, Grassroots movements, Climate accountability Mock conference role play,

Guest speakers from environmental organizations
UNICEF Climate Justice

Common but Differentiated Responsibilities - UN
Sustainable Development Models Learn about different models of sustainable development, applications in addressing climate change. Costa Rice case study. Sarvodaya Shramadana, Green New Deal, Costa Rican sustainable development Research/debate over different models, try and come up with your own (is also capstone project) Costa Rice Case Study

Vox: The Green New Deal Explained, Sarvodaya Shramadana - WEF
Ethics and Equity in Climate Change Explore ethical dimensions of climate change, address disparities between developed and developing countries, and the multi-faceted impact of potential solutions on society. Climate justice, Economic disparities, Fossil fuel industry, Re-employment Case studies followed by role play

Guest speakers from environmental justice organizations,

Group discussions
Climate Change and Social Inequality - UN,

Ethical and Social Dimensions of Climate Change - UNESCO